Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite
Life is a gift in all its forms, in everything around us. The trees, the flowers, the birds and wildlife, the beaches and large bodies of water full of marine life – everything is a gift and that gift is Planet Earth. Lily is fascinated with all she discovers on Planet Earth. She is grateful and loves this special gift, but she is also concerned with how people are treating Planet Earth. The mass logging industry, pollution and so much more have resulted in deadly forest fires around the globe and precious waterways littered with garbage. Taking her young friend, Emma, and Emma’s dog, Max, Lily explores the natural wonders close by and teaches Emma about the marvelous gifts of Planet Earth and how we must protect it before it’s too late.
Colette B. Ramazani’s picture book story, Lily and the Gift Planet Earth, is a touching and compassionate story that will both educate and entertain young readers. Told in simple language, primarily through dialogue between Lily and her friend, Emma, the story is easy to read for young readers. The brightly colored illustrations are spectacular and certainly help move the story along. Comparing Planet Earth to a gift that must be cherished is a clever way to teach young readers the importance of our planet and all that lives on it. The message is a subtle but powerful one to inspire young minds to think of what they can do to help protect Planet Earth for generations to come. Beautifully told and presented.
Click here to see the rating for Lily and the Gift Planet Earth from Emily-Jane Hills Orsford.
Reviewed by Daniel D Staats for Readers' Favorite
This book can be summed up with a quotation from Lily, “We are the future of our planet.” What a powerful, impactful statement! Lily and the Gift Planet Earth by Colette B. Ramazani is an excellent introduction for children to the need for conservation. Lily and her friend Emma enjoy a day together, exploring a nearby park. They see several biomes and learn how man has taken care of the earth in the past. But unfortunately, they also see the results of mankind not taking proper care of the planet. Lily, Emma, and Emma’s dog Max enjoy the joys of seeing the marvels of creation. They then decide it is up to them to do their part in conserving this earth for their generation and future generations.
Colette B. Ramazani loves planet earth. She loves the beauty and bounty of the planet. In her book, Lily and the Gift Planet Earth, she shares the adventure of Lily and her friend Emma. The two kids learn about conservation and how important it is to take care of the earth. Colette has loved the wonderful gift of the earth since she was a child. She innovatively tells how children can be a part of conserving the earth. Without conservation, we are in danger of the planet overheating, flooding, and running out of oxygen. This book is written for young readers. It will be a great way to teach children about conservation. Have your child read this book, then join them in a conversation about how you as a family can join together and help save the earth. Reading this book together can become a lifelong family venture as conservators of planet earth!
Click here to see the rating for Lily and the Gift Planet Earth from Daniel D Staats.
Reviewed by Natalie Soine for Readers' Favorite
Lily and the Gift Planet Earth by Colette B. Ramazani tells the delightful story of Lily and her friend Emma. Lily received a new globe from her grandparents, Nana and Poppa, and takes it to the park where she meets up with Emma and her dog Max. Emma learns from Lily that Planet Earth is a gift that gives us everything we need and must be protected including the animals, land, forests, and oceans. Climate change and global warming are an indication of how the actions of humans are destroying our planet. These problems can be solved through recycling and litter control. Nature is beautiful and precious and we are the future of our planet. We love and have concern for Planet Earth, as portrayed in this book, and our desire is for all people to notice and appreciate even more this magnificent, fascinating creation! We hope this precious Earth will continue to be enjoyed, generation after generation.
Collette B. Ramazani is a fantastic author. Lily and the Gift Planet Earth is a great way to teach children and some adults that we are responsible for the future of our planet and our lives as we depend on the earth for our survival. The way the story is told with Lily teaching Emma about Planet Earth is the perfect way to get the message across that climate change and global warming will destroy life as we know it. Everybody must come together to encourage children and adults to do their part. Collette clearly has a passion for nature and has found a way to share her love for our planet. This wonderful little book should be on every bookshelf for both young and old.
Click here to see the rating for Lily and the Gift Planet Earth from Natalie Soine.
Reviewed by Logan Crawford
“Lily’s discovery of Earth’s uniqueness begins with a thoughtful gift from her grandparents—a globe. As Lily and her friend Emma delve deeper into exploring the environment on their beloved planet, accompanied by the curious Max, Emma’s dog, they embark on a thought provoking adventure.
From the enchanting forest to the vast ocean, from a winding river to a majestic mountain, Lily takes on the role of a guide, imparting valuable lessons on how to protect and cherish Earth. The story unfolds as a timely and crucial narrative, advocating for the preservation and safeguarding of nature’s precious gifts.
This book serves as a compelling reminder for readers of all ages about the importance of environmental stewardship. Lily’s journey becomes a powerful tool to instill a sense of responsibility towards our planet, making it a must-read for today’s generation and a thoughtful legacy for generations to come.”
A wonderful book with a very important message
I bought Lily and the Gift Planet Earth for my eight year old daughter and she loved it! The message is such an important one and I really wanted to share it with her. It opened up a lot of great questions and conversation between us, which I was hoping for. The characters and illustrations in the book were lovely as well. I highly recommend this for anyone who is looking to start, or continue to educate their children on the importance of respecting, protecting and enjoying our beautiful planet earth.
I recommend this book to parents and children.
I love this book so much. I love the way it’s intended to educate the kids about the planet earth, and how to take care of this beautiful gift which is the earth.
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